ZUID Story
What makes ZUID ZUID?
Although we feel like we're just getting started: we've actually been around since 2004. It began stereotypically, in an attic, with two friends. But in every phase of our growth, we have reinvented ourselves over and over again. From design agency to strategic branding. From one brand to five. From one location to three. And from the two founders to more than 50 colleagues.
With a team of entrepreneurial colleagues, we always take a slightly different approach than other agencies. For us, two words sum up what we do: Business Creativity. We align your business strategy with your brand and campaigns. And we are pragmatic and goal-oriented as well as creative and original.
Our motto? Be a hit. So let's spar and together hit the market running.
You are welcome
Since 2013, we have slowly created a special place. It started with 'The Loods'. An old warehouse from 1919, right on the Wilhelmina Canal. Still our creative heart and now expanded to include a terrace and outdoor bar that many grand cafes would be proud of.
We have now expanded that location with the building across the street. All in all, 1500 square meters of inspiring spaces, ideation rooms, flex spaces, a podcast & film studio.
Why we care about growth
In recent years, we have accelerated our steady growth in the first 15 years. We believe in growth down to the bottom of our hearts: everyone at ZUID creates a personal growth path. And together, we help each other to get better and take on challenges.
Because we aim for growth as both people and organizations, we create opportunities and opportunities for everyone who wants and stay up to speed with developments in the market. Our guideline for that growth is the Scaling Up method by Verne Harnish.
Veghel. Eindhoven. ZUID Agency Group.
We now have more than 50 people and have created hubs in Veghel and Eindhoven. With our sister companies Firebreak, AudienceFirst, Otis Bay Studio and Everwhat are we united in the SOUTH Agency Group.
Together, we have the ambition to grow to 100 professionals in the breadth of strategic marketing communication. In doing so, we focus on long-term partnerships with customers who really want to move forward.

