To the case overview

Building a sustainable brand, in a sustainable way. Based on a strategic foundation, we came up with an inspiring brand name, developed an appealing brand identity and a remarkable creative concept.

Project Partners: 

As times evolve, staying relevant means evolving too. Experienced technical experts approached ZUID with an innovative maritime product that they wanted to bring to market. A product that represents a new generation of electrified, water-lubricated thrusters that are easy to install, virtually maintenance-free and perfect for a wide range of boat types. Our task was to ensure widespread recognition within the maritime industry. Additionally, we faced the challenge of product line development and a tight deadline for the grand launch at the maritime fair.

Motivated to the core, the ZUID team embraced our tightest schedule yet with efficient workflows and unwavering dedication. We crafted a strategic foundation, brand name, identity, positioning, and communication concept, along with essential communication tools like a website and exhibition materials. Every step was meticulously executed to establish a robust, future-proof foundation for Bluestrom. Our collaborative partnership fueled the process, ensuring a smooth journey from inception to launch. And our commitment doesn't end with the brand's debut; through ongoing collaboration, we're dedicated to furthering Bluestrom's success.

The Bluestrom brand was professionally and creatively constructed and then introduced to the maritime world, resulting in an immediate influx of valuable leads and inquiries. Through our fruitful collaboration, we're actively contributing to the brand's ongoing growth with energy, positivity, and business creativity. Our ultimate goal? To see Bluestrom sail the world's seas with confidence and success.