To the case overview

We helped ‘Platform voor Veilig Ondernemen’ establish a strategic foundation, creative concept and appropriate communication tools to make entrepreneurs and institutions more resilient against all forms of crime.

Project Partners: 

Entrepreneurs and institutions are facing a rising tide of cybercrime, subversion, hacks, data hostage situations, and other alarming threats to business integrity. Platform Safe Business (PVO), operating under the CCV, plays a vital role in this landscape. They specialise in identifying patterns and trends, serving as knowledge partners for municipalities and law enforcement agencies. With the growing complexity and diversity of these challenges, there was a pressing need for an authentic, future-proof identity and appearance. This would effectively highlight the importance of business prevention efforts on both a national and regional scale.

ZUID began establishing the brand's strategic foundation by consulting with 10 regional departments. We aimed to grasp their ambitions, goals, and the importance they placed on being part of a unified brand. We explored the values they held in common. With this information, we partnered with headquarters to develop a brand positioning and strategy. Our goal was to leverage existing strengths while highlighting areas that needed to be addressed for future readiness. We then provided the tools needed to get started with the brand communication at a regional level.

We created a brand strategy and a brand passport, which we translated into a creative concept, visual identity and a website. Because of the regional departments, we created a dynamic pay-off that can be used both nationally and locally.