To the case overview

Construction sites are noisy. The diversity of materials, use of machinery, and multilingual workforce can make clear communication challenging. ‘Bouwspraak’ a building sign language ensures that everyone is seen, heard, and understood.

Project Partners: 

Client Volandis assists construction employers and employees in working safely and comfortably by introducing simple arm and hand gestures with universally recognized meanings for common situations on construction sites. ZUID was tasked with communicating this "Building Sign Language" to an international audience.

Visual communication in the construction industry must overcome language barriers to ensure safety among workers of diverse nationalities. Recognizing the importance of this, ZUID approached the communication of the special building language with a unique strategy. We aimed to move away from the conventional, often tedious safety courses by introducing a humorous and entertaining twist.

To this end, ZUID created Leo, a persona embodied by actor Leo Alkemade. Leo is portrayed as a comical construction worker whose well-meaning but misguided attempts at communication highlight the crucial role of Building Sign Language. Through a series of short videos and other multi-channel expressions, Leo’s humorous yet educational antics demonstrate the potential mishaps that the Building Language is designed to prevent. This approach not only engages workers but also embeds important safety messages in a memorable and relatable way.

ZUID Creatives crafted the comprehensive brand identity for the multilingual website, which serves construction workers. Our team developed supporting visual resources and created an associated buzz campaign. To foster awareness, we provided accessible explanations of the Building Language, including arm and hand gestures. We also shared stories that reinforced the core message: Building Language protects everyone on site. Through our videos, which were scripted and produced in collaboration with Leo, along with other content forms, we successfully reached an audience of over 5.5 million people.